1. The materials used
cow leather-1 kg
-Salt 0.4 ounces
-0.25 oz granulated sugar
-Seasoning Cook to taste
-0.25 oz garlic
-Lime or limestone 10 kg
For a number of materials used will be retrieved as much skin rambak crackers 1.25 kg (in raw state).
2. The equipment used
-a sharp knife or scissors
-Shelving filters
3. The process of hair removal
Soak the leather in a limestone water drum is ½ for 2 days 2 nights. After the soaked feathers will be easily removed (scraped using a knife). 4. Drying process I
The skin is already clean then dried in the hot sun in a manner said at the edges. Then after dry skin cut or cut the shape of a rectangle with the size 3 x 4, 5 cm x 7 cm or to taste.
5. Cooking
Skin that's been cut into pieces and then stewed together with spices in a steamer until done (transparent color).
6. Drying process II
After cooking, skin that's been cut into pieces and then dried in the hot sun until completely dry.
7. the frying pan I
After the skin is completely dry do Skillets I above a small fire (oil do not boil) until the crackers are somewhat bloom. After frying I crackers can already in "packing" for sale as raw crackers.
8. Pan II
It is generally sold in a cow rambak crackers circumstances ripe (ready consumption). For it to be done frying phase II. Frying phase II i.e. a frying pan on the fire (the condition of hot or boiling cooking oil) so that the result can blossom and mature.
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